So there you are thinking to yourself, “Uh huh. Getting myself a writer or editor is totally worthwhile… it’s much more than merely a second set of eyes. I’ll get the joy of having someone else make my word problem go away, confidence my message will resonate with my readers, engaging and clear writing that isn’t jammed full of my silly mistakes. It’ll help me establish myself as an authority in my field, and I’ll get more customers. No brainer.”
This is all the stuff you knew you were paying for. You know bad writing looks unprofessional and makes it much tougher for prospective clients to trust you. But you know what? There are other super valuable benefits that aren’t often talked about, simply because we’re focused on the “direct” benefits. When you do your research and you pick the “write” copy writer for you, magic happens. You unlock some next level shizz. It can literally make you a better business owner, and your money will go even further than you imagined! Without further ado, here are 10 ways the right copywriter or editor can make that a reality for you: 1. Get assistance seeing the forest for the trees (AKA a fresh perspective) You know your business better than anyone else. You know so darn much, and you’re so close to it, that it can be difficult to dumb it down and start at the beginning for someone who knows less. Do you ever feel like you can’t explain what the heck you do? You’re the expert but it’s so easy to get lost in words, words, words. This is when a good copywriter becomes your new BFF. A good one will listen, absorb, and then give you the written perspective you’d never have been able to put together in a million years. “But they don’t know anything about what I do!”, you might be thinking. I’ve got two words for you: EVEN BETTER! Because what you need is someone who’ll ask key questions, connect dots, and bang out some writing for you that will make it seem like you’re magically reading your soon-to-be clients’ minds. When you’re thinking through the answers to those key questions, you’re likely to find other things clicking for you. This can generate content ideas for other parts of your business. The bottom line: A fresh perspective means higher quality writing and ideas, and more of them. 2. Get someone holding your buns to the fire (AKA accountability) A copywriter can’t do their job without you. As Jerry Maguire would say: “help me help you. Help me, help you!” You’ll a have responsibility and accountability to give her what she needs to get the job done for you, whether that’s ideas or a draft. A perk of hiring someone to help is that they will pester you if required. Some people need that (you know who you are). It’s going to get done! HALLELUAH. At first blush this doesn’t seem like an “unexpected” perk (I mean, you’re paying for the service, it better darn well get done!) Hear me out, though: many people never get their website up because they just can’t get their copy done. When get the accountability leverage from using the right copywriter, the hidden advantage is that you put yourself lightyears ahead of alllll of those people who couldn’t get past their copy hang ups. Just getting the dang thing across the finish line literally gives you a competitive advantage. The bottom line: Your copywriter or editor can be the accountability buddy that helps you ensure your projects are seen through. 3. Learn some shweet shtuff you won’t have to pay for (AKA knowledge sharing) Any copywriter worth her salt is no dummy. She’s a bit like the village bicycle… she’s been around the block. (What? Like, everyone has had a ride? No, not like that. Get your mind out of the gutter, for goodness’ sake.) Anyway, she’s been around the block and she’s a smart cookie. She’s worked with lots of other people who were up against the same challenges you are, even if they aren’t specifically related to copywriting or editing. She pursues personal passions she knows a bunch about. She’s worked in other environments and industries. Maybe she has even worked in another profession. Her secret strengths will come out as you work with her. Maybe she’s a communications pro, a competitive dog grooming expert, or knows all the best ways to cook cabbage. You never know when you might need info on these things. The bottom line: Working with someone smart and well-rounded means they’ll have lots of non-copywriting/editing wisdom to share. 4. Enjoy friends with benefits… I mean, the benefits of friends (AKA connection) When it’s you at the helm making all the decisions, you can make the right ones for you. When you pick the right copy editor, you get to (gasp!) work with someone you actually like working with. In my humble opinion, this might be the most important benefit in this guide. It’s a well-known fact that our happiness depends on the quality of our relationships. But did you know you can also expect to produce better work when you’re happy? Anne McKee, author of “How to Be Happy at Work”, puts it like this: “We are generous with our time and talents because we’re committed to people, not just the job or the company. Friendships—not instrumental, task-oriented relationships—are at the heart of a company’s resonant culture, the kind of culture that supports risk-taking, innovation, and results.” So there’s the science-y explanation… I just would have said life is too short to work with assholes. The bottom line: As entrepreneurs we can CHOOSE our colleagues. Pick people whose company you enjoy, then have fun AND develop better end results for it! 5. Fall in love with your work again (AKA inspiration) There’s a new email in your inbox; it’s from your copywriter. You open up the new copy that she sent through and it sounds just the way you wanted it to, only better. Your voice, only better! You feel ENTHUSED! You’re ready to wake up your web designer to get it posted as soon as humanly possible! Or… You’re feeling confused and unsure where to start. Your editor asks you the good questions or proposes a new solution and your heart sings, “YES!” You can’t freakin’ WAIT to implement the new idea. Can you imagine how good it would feel if someone helped you reinject the passion that got lost while you were frustrating the crap out of yourself trying to do it alone? When you work with someone who is passionate about the work, they can inspire that in you. Passion can be contagious. The bottom line: The right person can help reinject or further amp up your passion for your business. 6. Become all famous and whatnot… “No pictures, please… no pictures” (AKA visibility) Good copywriting will improve your search engine optimization (SEO). That means you’re coming up more often in people’s searches. You don’t even have to understand anything about SEO for it to be improved. People can’t buy from you unless they can find you, so the value of this can’t be understated. Search engines are much more sophisticated than they were even a few years ago. Google recognizes quality writing that offers value and answers the questions it says it’s going to (i.e. gone are the times when littering your copy with keywords will do any good). The bottom line: The words written by a good copywriter will get you SEO exposure. 7. Get value you can count on (AKA consistent quality performance) An independent writer runs her own business. A smart one is going to do everything in her power make sure you are one dang happy camper so that she’ll have the opportunity to work with you again. Independent consultants depend on repeat work and loyal customers. Having a steady stream of income is entirely dependent on consistent, quality output, and that knowledge tends to keep them on their “A” game. They know how important it is to maintain good relationships with clients and deliver quality work on time, each and every time. After all, the next project is never guaranteed. So yeah, trust me, she cares if she’s making you happy. She will ALWAYS do her best for you, so you can believe your dollar is working hard for you. The bottom line: A copywriter/editor who is an independent consultant can’t afford to not do amazing work for you. 8. Get the feels (AKA satisfaction and delight) Yep, the words your copywriter writes for you are going to do what she promised (sound like angels singing, make your readers squeal with delight, create a line-up around the block of people who want to buy from you, etc.), but how will it make YOU feel? “Every time I open up and read your edits, a burst of energy takes over me which results in an outburst of concentrated cheers! I am always SO PLEASED with your WORK!” (These are actual words from an email one of my clients wrote to me.) In a word: Amazeballs. Happy-rific. Zippy-doodle. Splendiferous. It’s a special thing, the way it makes you feel to read words that express just what you wanted them to (particularly when you couldn’t make them do it yourself). You’re likely to feel excited, motivated, proud, professional, reinvigorated, enthused, confident. The bottom line: There’s a certain “je ne sais quoi” of reading words expertly curated just for you. You’ll like the way your new copy makes you feel. 9. Get the MOST VALUABLE THING IN THE WORLD (AKA your time back) Ever noticed how the things you like to do and the things you’re good at doing seem to be one and the same? And have you ever noticed the annoying corresponding truth that the things you hate doing take for-freaking-ever? Not even just because it makes time go slower (which it does seem to do), but because you literally just can’t do it as fast as the things you like to do. As it applies to your web copy, content, and everything words, that can make writing massively time and consuming and not fun. That said, perhaps you’re an excellent writer. Either way though, spending time on what only you can do is just plain smart, especially since I bet that thing that only you can do is your core business offering. Outsource what doesn’t have to be done by you, and multiply your time for what matters. The bottom line: Hire an expert to help with your word woes, and you get that time back to work on what you do best instead. 10. Become super popular and super prolific (AKA scale your business faster) The goal of your words is to inspire action, and usually the action you’re hoping for is that your online lookers become buyers. When your copy successfully achieves that, in the copywriting world we say it “converts”. The better your copy, the higher your conversion rate. The higher your conversion rate, the more profit you make. With the super fly new web copy/newsletters/blog content you have from working with your copywriter, your business will expand. As your business expands, so will your content writing requirements. It’s this whole circular thing. If you’ve picked a copywriter whose work you like and with whom you’ve established a good relationship, you can easily scale your writing requirements. And when business is booming, you will be grateful for the help! A good copywriter will be well-equipped to help with your need and will be more than happy to do so. The bottom line: With good copywriting, you’ll be able to scale your business far faster than you would have been able to alone. --- And that, my friend, is what’s in store for you. Well actually, that’s just the stuff that sweetens the pot. I’ll post about the more obvious benefits, the “meat”, at a later date. Trust me, the main dish is pretty tasty. Were these benefits surprising to you? Which one would be the biggest help to you and your business? I want to hear about it in the comments. (No, really. Like I’ll reply and everything.) Does this article leave you feeling enthused about bringing a copywriter into your life? Meet the lady who wrote it here.
Megan Haney
Megan is the owner of Megan Words, a boutique copywriting and editing consulting business devoted to helping female entrepreneurs with worthy causes develop high-quality web copy and content. She sometimes wears pants. Learn more about her here. Archives
February 2020